Difference Between C and C++

It is among the oldest languages still in use. It is derived from the old but is more efficient and productive. Of fact, both programming languages offer benefits and cons.

To summarize C versus C++, C++ is an object-oriented variation of the C programming language. C inspired not just C++ but also many other prominent high-level programming languages, including Java, PHP, and Python.

C vs. C++

Let’s take a quick look at both languages before diving into the differences between C and C++.

C Language Definition

C is a low-level procedural programming language, hence a systems programming language. A compiled program with manual memory management. C language is developed by American PC researcher Dennis M. Ritchie at Bell Laboratories in the mid-1970s.

The C language application excels in performance and may code for a broad range of systems. So the language can code nearly anything.

What is C++ Programming?

C++ programming supports OO programming and has little abstraction and manual memory management. The language is compiled and similar to C. It can create applications for a variety of platforms.

The C++ function offers almost everything C does, but better. C++, like its initial inspiration, C, has influenced and continues to inspire high-level programming languages like C# and Java.

C VS C++ Comparison

To make use of all the differences listed here, you need to be proficient in C and C++. If not, here are some recommended C and C++ books.

Application Development Area

The C language course is suitable for embedded devices and system programs. Contrarily, C++ is ideal for creating gaming, networking, and server-side programs. It’s also ideal for creating device drivers.


The object-oriented programming language C++, like other object-oriented programming languages, works from the bottom up.

Unlike top-down design, bottom-up design begins with low-level design and ends with high-level design. The code for modules is created first, then merged with the main() method.

Both methods are used in software development, not program execution. Nowadays, software design combines both methodologies to achieve the best of both worlds.


C++ subset is C. In other words, C++ is C. While C++ can run most C code, the C compiler cannot run C++ code.

The C++ programming language is cross-platform. But the C programming language lacks such a facility.

Data Encryption and Information Masking

Encapsulation is not supported in C because data and functions are viewed as separate entities. The C++ code encapsulates data and methods in an object, allowing information concealment.

Data security is another key contrast between C and C++ programming languages. Data is not as safe in C.


Because C++ is an object-oriented language, it may hide variables in a class and simply expose a function interface. It may apply modifiers to class members to make them unavailable to outsiders.

No such notion exists in C. As a result, all variables are exposed to malicious code.


Declaring enumerations in C But the enumeration constants are integers. In that sense, creating an enumeration is like declaring integer constants. Plus, there’s no type of safety.

An enumeration is a different type in C++. This implies that assigning an integer value to an enumeration variable requires an explicit conversion.

Types of Data

C has rudimentary data types. Contrarily, C++ supports user-defined data types alongside basic and built-in data types. C++ also contains built-in Boolean and String data types. No such data types exist in C.

Coding Ease

C is a functional programming language. So tell the software everything that needs to be done. C++ is an extension of C that enables object-oriented coding. If C is simple, C++ is easier.


A-C program is stored as. c, whereas a C++ program is saved as.CPP.


For example, add() has two definitions. While one can add integers, the other can concatenate two (or more) strings. Unlike C++, C does not allow function overloading.

Default Argument Functions

While C++ accepts default arguments, C does not. If such a function is called with parameters, they are used.

GUI Design

C has the GTK tool for GUI (Graphical User Interface) development. C++ offers Qt tools for this.


A class may inherit features and attributes. No OOPS property is present in C.

A child class is a class that inherits properties from another class. It’s also called derived or subclass. The base class is the class from which the subclass inherits properties. It is sometimes called the superclass.


C uses the Macro function to optimize code, specifically to reduce execution time. Inline functions are used in C++ to optimize the written code.

Inline functions enable the compiler to rewrite their function declaration whenever invoked. The C++ compiler updates the inline functions’ definitions at build time rather than referencing them at runtime.

Inline in C++ is a form of the proposal sent to the compiler. As long as the function isn’t too huge, the compiler will disregard the inline request and run it as usual.

Operation Input/Output

Input and output in C are done using scanf() and printf() in that sequence. In contrast, C++ provides cin for input and cout for output.


That sums up the C and C++ programming languages. Both are excellent ways to earn a livelihood from programming. So now is the time to brush up on your C and C++ abilities or learn them from scratch.

The IoT Academy is one such platform where you can learn more in-depth about programming languages, their uses, applications, and much more. In case you are aiming to explore domains like Data Science, Machine Learning, and IoT, then this platform serves the best to your queries of all time.

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